You Might Be a Quaker if:
- You think listening is at least as important as talking.
- You think justice means more than just locking up criminals.
- You are more interested in being like Christ than in being like Christians.
- You want to read the Bible but you don’t want to be beaten with it.
- You think the contents of a person’s heart is more important than the contents of their house.
- You are more worried about the Hell that people live in here and now than any Hell they might occupy after death.
- You think war makes more problems than it solves.
- You don’t feel a ritual is necessary to be saved.
- You think mandatory creeds and dogma fit like a strait-jacket.
- You have found the best ministers are often found sitting in the pews.
- You think investing leaders with great power is dangerous.
- You think equality is not so much a goal to be sought, but a fact that is often ignored.
- You think honesty is not just the best policy, but that it ought to be the only policy.

For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
Matthew 18:20  | |