Santa Monica Friends Minute
Approved by Monthly Meeting
July 8, 2018
First Friends Church, a Quaker Meeting
Whittier Monthly Meeting of the Society of Friends (July 8, 2018): "First Friends Church affirms the Minute approved by Santa Monica Friends Meeting to End Immigrant Child Separation and Incarceration."
The following is from Santa Monica Friends Meeting: Minute approved by Called Business Meeting on 6/24/18.
Minute 18-06-01:
As Quakers, we are called to treat our fellow human beings with the utmost respect, dignity and care, including those with whom we disagree strongly. This does not mean, however that we will remain silent when acts of great harm are committed by the most powerful against the most vulnerable. We will not remain silent when God, or any sacred justification, is invoked to support such actions. As people of faith, we call for an immediate end to the practice of removing children from their parents because their parents have attempted to enter the United States, regardless of whether that entry constitutes a misdemeanor under U.S. law. We call for immediately reuniting children and parents already separated. We call for an immediate end to the incarceration of children, with or without their parents. And we call for an end to any and all practices that treat any immigrating individuals as less than" or "other," or that treat them with hostility and cruelty. We commit to actively working with all those striving to ensure that our immigration policies reflect the best of our shared humanity and are grounded in the compassionate application of the principle of "liberty and justice for all." One Friend raised concern that the phrase "we actively commit" implied that all friends and attenders are committed to take action. We clarify that no, this does not require all friends and attenders to act. The commitment of the Meeting is to provide support and blessing to all who choose to take action on these heartbreaking and inhumane immigration practices. Our actions are enhanced through the community, knowing that we speak and act not just as individual Quakers, but on behalf of and with the strength of the commitment of our Santa Monica Meeting.
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